Information zu der aktuellen Regelung der Score Card/Classification Card

Wir tragen die Ergebnisse der Teilnehmer an unseren Deutschen Meisterschaften, Regionalmeisterschaften und der Feldbogenliga automatisch in die Score/Classification Card unserer Mitglieder ein.

Alle Inhaber einer gültigen Classification Card sind auch ohne Classification Scores an den internationalen Meisterschaften der IFAA teilnahmeberechtigt. Gemäß dem Regelwerk By-laws unter Artikel 7 A5 und C4.

Dies wurde in Warschau beim Europatreffen nochmals bestätigt.

Auszug aus dem Protokoll der Sitzung in Warschau:

Question raised by OBSV concerning:

a. Classification Cards

In Austria there are two separate documents. In other countries the scores are added to the classification card. It is important in Field competitions (Class A, B or C). In this case, the archers can compete in an EFAC, but because they do not have the scores mentioned, they will compete in class A, and cannot get a class B, C medal.

The DFBV adds: OBSV should provide, as a country, Field competitions according to the IFAA rules!

Conclusion: you need a classification card to participate. It shows you are familiar with IFAA rules, that you are in good standing with your association and that you have shot an IFAA round. Without Field results, you automatically go to class A.


Classification cards do 3 things,

prove the archer in good standing with their association

prove the archer has shot IFAA round and

prove the archer has an understand the rules of the competition.

Austrian archers can compete at EFAC without classification but will be entered as “A” class archers.

Technically, an affiliated accociation is obliged to run IFAA classification shoots are part of their agreement with the IFAA to be a member nation. Archers WITHOUT classification scores CAN compete at Field Championships but cannot be classified, they will shoot A-class by default.

Archers without classification cards cannot compete.

Protokoll des Europatreffens der IFAA